Monday, October 8, 2012

Santa's calculations

Santa Singh was once invited to a seminar on ‘How to explore solar energy for the benefit of mankind.’ The speaker was a world renowned scientist on solar energy. While the scientist was trying to explain the finer points of the subject along with its installation cost against financial benefits and savings that can be made, Santa Singh was busy fiddling with his calculator. Irritated, the speaker asked Santa Sigh to be more attentive.

Santa Singh said: “Honorable sir, I am attentive, indeed I am, in fact more so than others here. But I have been doing some calculations here and I guess the project is not viable. At Rs. three per foot for cables, we will spend something like Rs. 270,270,270000000 to cover that distance of more than ninety lakh miles to the sun. On top of that there are taxes and VAT to consider.